what others say

I practice with Freddie each week and thoroughly enjoy her classes.  I leave each class feeling strong, clear-headed and relaxed.  Her style is dynamic and incorporates some lovely flowing sequences, but these are done at a pace that doesn’t compromise your alignment and helps you to notice how each part of your body is working.  This helps me to recognise the tendencies that I have to rely on certain parts of my body and neglect others!  She makes you think about developing the body as a whole, and balancing strength and flexibility.

My favourite thing about Freddie’s classes is that they are themed.  This is great as it helps you to become familiar with sequences, think about your anatomy more and ultimately give you the tools and the courage to try out yoga by yourself.  Freddie is also really good at weaving breathing practices and the philosophical side of yoga into her classes, but she is careful not to labour this too much as not everyone comes to yoga classes to hear about this!

Freddie is very informed about yoga and her friendly style means she’s willing to share everything that she has learned so far.  Her classes are a pleasure to attend.

 Eleanor, London, aged 33 – group classes


I have now been going for over a year to Freddie’s class and I have always enjoyed the mixture for strength and health conscious approach she has. She pushes you to your natural limits and at the same time minimises the potential for injury. Freddie teaches using her own inimitable style and sense of humour which very often reflects her Italian background and passion. I am looking forward to many more classes and workshops and can only recommend others of any level of expertise to attend her classes.

Allan, aged 51 – group classes


I have been a student of Freddie’s for about 2 years and in that time I have learnt an awful lot about myself and about the practice of yoga. Freddie has an infectiously warm personality and this carries through to her teaching. Her classes are exciting and enjoyable. I feel utterly safe in Freddie’s hands- she has an admirable knowledge of yoga and the anatomy of the human body. She is incredibly encouraging and somehow I have found myself in postures I would have thought completely inconceivable before I met Freddie. She is a very special teacher and I feel lucky to have found her.

Laura, aged 32 – group classes


As a male of advancing years, not too old mind you, I have been to Freddie’s yoga classes a number of times having only had one yoga experience some while ago. The result is better flexibility, inner calm and I sleep like a baby on a Wednesday night after the class. Freddie has the knack of seeing what everyone is doing and prompts you to make little adjustments to the moves. Great classes and great results for me personally.

John – onsite yoga


Freddie lifts my soul with her calming tone and encouragement. The techniques Freddie uses enable the individual to hone into the bodies rhythm bringing out the best with each individual movement. I find her an inspiration. I could get addicted on a daily basis.

Winni-Mae, aged 50 – onsite yoga


I always enjoy my yoga class at lunchtime. Even though Freddie stretches parts of my body I didn’t even know existed, I leave the class floating. I find it very beneficial and calming – just right for the workplace.

Bobby, aged 61 – onsite yoga


After a long absence from yoga, I had the fabulous fortune of meeting Freddie. I left our first class deeply impressed by her talent, rigor and understanding of the way human beings work, both physically and emotionally. Through her clear and remarkably precise directions, she exerts a calming but strong influence over her students. She takes into consideration the varying needs of those in her classes, yet manages to construct lessons that are challenging to all. Her routines are well thought-out, and through carefully chosen couterposes, she preserves the balance the body needs. In fact, I’ve often gone into Freddie’s classes with aches and pains but have never left with one. I cannot praise Freddie’s lessons enough but fortunately don’t have to try too hard, as her outstanding teaching speaks for itself!

Tahmineh – private lessons


I love going to Freddie’s class on a Monday evening.  It doesn’t matter how stressed I’ve been during the week, I will always feel calmer and more relaxed at the end of the session.  Freddie really knows her stuff and I like the way she explains how the different yoga positions can affect the body and mind as we go along.  Her focus is on the physiological rather than the spiritual which I much prefer and as Freddie refers to positions using their proper asana names, I’ve learnt a lot too.  Perhaps it’s her Italian accent, but her voice it very soothing during Shavasana!

Anna, aged 42 – group classes


Freddie’s classes are intelligently sequenced and I love her creativity. Well instructed with options for all levels and her fun humour too, always brings a smile to my body and mind!

Julie – group classes


My first tentative step back after a long lapse (around 10 years) of yoga training was in Freddie’s Level 1 class nearly three years ago. From the very start I felt welcome and put at ease by Freddie, and decided after that first class that I would be back. Also, I find her workshops are not to be missed, as I find them a real boost to the system. Freddie is one of the most dedicated and inspirational yoga teachers I have come across; she gives a 100% in every class.

Steven, aged 52 – group classes


I have been practising hatha yoga for years and while I like to experiment with different styles of yoga, hatha yoga remains my favourite. I have discovered Freddie’s teaching almost a year ago and find it completely suited to my needs and likes: a challenging, yet warm-hearted practice, an excellent mix of spontaneity and rigour. I particularly like Freddie’s ability to teach us a pose and, at the same time, take us through a particular concept or aspect of yoga that is related to that pose. It makes it an interesting and fun practice at once. But the best thing of Freddie’s teaching is the variety she brings to each weekly practice which she decides on according to the season, the climate of the week, or even mood that we may share in the class. This is as personalised a class as one can get outside one’s own living room!

Corinna, aged 41 – group classes


Freddie is a wonderful, inspirational teacher. Her teaching is full of joy and positivity. I have never felt bored in her classes, and she makes one feel that anything is achievable. Rather than feeling ‘I can’t possibly do that’, in Freddie’s class I always feel ‘I’ll have a go at that’. I always feel refreshed after working with her, never tired, regardless of how I was when a class started. I like the way she plans her classes so that the sequence is all a gentle build up to something, and it’s always something new and fresh. Freddie has a sunny disposition and is spiritually wise and yet also very grounded. Freddie taught me about the impact of moon cycles on my daily life, the value of sankalpas, and actually, much much more. I cannot recommend her classes enough.

Niki, aged 48 – group classes


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what others say

Certified Yoga Teacher
500+ hrs / Senior / 10+ years
Trainer 60-hour development course

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