meet freddie

Where are you from?

I am originally from Italy and grew up in the beautiful Tuscan countryside – the photos that you see here were shot in that area. As a young woman I came to London in 1998 to learn English, my intention was to stay for six months only. Instead, I fell in love with this vibrant city and ended up living here since. I feel like I am a Londoner! …and an urban yogini (a female practitioner of yoga).


How did you first get on the mat?

Contrary to the majority of practitioners, I didn’t come to yoga because of aches and pain in my body or a physical injury. At the turn of the new millennium I had a full-time office job and was working unfriendly hours. I was financially stable, yet my life missed meaning. I felt stuck in the daily grind. I took a break and during a trip of two months in India I found yoga. Upon my return I began attending yoga classes with the aim of understanding who I am and live my most authentic life. During this process I developed a fascination for the human body and how the physical practices of yoga can be useful for leading a healthy life. I came to yoga because of a yearning for meaning, but gradually learnt to love also its practical applications on the body.


What inspired you to be a teacher?

Initially yoga helped me counter stress in a very competitive world. I became less reactive and nicer to people. I started noticing that my behaviour on the mat and the way I was practising poses told me a lot about myself. That prompted me to become more aware of my mental and emotional patterns. Ultimately, yoga’s positive impact has helped me improving the quality of my life and relationships. The subtle yet profound influence that yoga has had on me is the drive behind my decision to share with others what I have learnt so far on my path. I try leading by example and being the person I would choose as a friend.


Why do you teach yoga?

I have experienced first-hand the transformational power of yoga and I want to help others having that kind of experience as well. I aim to share the physical, mental and emotional benefits of this time-proof practice with passion and enthusiasm, while consistently looking for ways to improve myself as a practitioner and teacher. I believe that a regular yoga practice improves health and well-being, and increases your Self-awareness for a more balanced and positive outlook in life.


What are your dreams for the future?

One day I would like to go back to Tuscany and open a yoga retreat! I wish for my students to come and enjoy the beauty of my original home while we practise yoga in natural surroundings, just like the original yogis did back then.

yoga bio

meet freddie

what others say

Certified Yoga Teacher
500+ hrs / Senior / 10+ years
Trainer 60-hour development course

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